
Showing posts from June, 2024


 Wake up babe new Audrey TMBG Ocs dropped!!! I thought it would be fun to humanize the instruments the John’s use!! Specifically the main squeeze accordion (left) and the fender telecaster guitar (right). They’re both girls :D  Before I drew this I doodled some proof of concepts for both of them, I think Squeeze’s has a lot more love put into it but I’m gonna have to do a full body of both of them soon lol (ESPECIALLY WITH ART FIGHT COMING IP!! AHHHHH) I put a lot of cute details into their designs, for example Fen’s glasses are supposed to look like Owl eyes, mimicking the owl pattern strap on Flans’ guitar!! Theres a bunch more and I’d love to see people point them out lol Since artfight is next week I’ll be able to draw a lot more TMBG fanart via people’s TMBG OCs on artfight!! If you’ve never heard of artfight it’s a big fat annual art trading game :) you can check it out here, it starts this July!! And don’t forget to check out my account. I’ll be putting th


 25 weeks of this crap?? Huh??? Guys I almost forgot 😒flan I haven’t drawn him in 2 weeks…usually I try to alternate between drawing him and Linnell but since last week was Linnell’s birthday I kinda had to do something then But guys!! July is coming up!! ART FIGHT!! I GET TO DRAW TMBG OC’S AND USE THEM FOR THIS CHALLENGE AND ART FIGHT πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ•ΊπŸ•ΊπŸ•ΊπŸ•ΊπŸ’ƒπŸ•ΊπŸ’ƒ Anyway thank for read hope you like art :D


 Oh god she’s back again!! And she came SWINGING I made this for john linnell’s birthday tomorrow, is it silly?? Yes. But this is what I imagine in my head when I listen to this song…I love state songs soososososoosoo much it’s such a lovely album Anyway here’s the art I drew for the lil end part!! It’s pretty nice if I do say so myself teehee   Anyway. That’s all I have to say!! Have a good day and thanks for reading >v<

Week 23

 Yeah!!! Another week!! I’ve always liked this image so I wanted to redraw it, tried a more sketchy style :) Excited for John L’s birthday next week! I’ll probably do something special now that I’m like prepared and stuff :3 Uhh Ty for reading!!! These blog posts are getting shorter and shorter but that’s ok