and why he green??? 😭😭😭😭

As you can see by the text this drawing also doubles as a challenge I’m doing with my buddy chum friend pal ohhhcrud on youtube dot com !!!!!!!! We’re gonna both draw drawings with the same color pallete

Here’s the pallete if anyone’s curious

It’s not the prettiest color pallets in the world but it was fun to try to make it work…besides it was randomly generated, I can’t blame crud lol

I was gonna do normal lineart but I chickened out and just colored my sketch, I loved how it looked 

I also did some smudgy painty stuff with the shading, it gives the drawing a painty feel!!

Anyway tysm to anyone who’s readying this the fact that you’re so interested in this goofy challenge means a lot to me…I wonder how many weeks are left? A bunch, probably. Don’t think the album’s dropping until fall (so at best in like September πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…)



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