It’s Tmbg Tuesday again!! Honestly I should’ve done this on Thursdays…we could’ve had They Thursdays …

I (thankfully) found a way to make the images higher quality, I think last week's art was really crunchy lol

I use Pinterest a lot for art related stuff, but sometimes I find myself scrolling through a bunch of random images of the Johns...this being one of them. I thought it would be pretty easy to redraw because Flans is just kinda...standing there. Pointing.

I traced over the image to get the basic shapes down, then tried to redraw the shapes with the proportions I usually use for my characters. Used that as the base for my sketch and boom!!! Since I had a reference standing right next to me, I think I was able to capture Flans better than I did last time!! I gave him a CHIN! A OUTLINED CHIN!! I NEVER GIVE CHARACTERS OUTLINED CHINS!! The color palette was fun to make too :)

But yeah!! Happy with this!! Glad I'm doin this challenge!! Its fun!! I think these image redraws are pretty easy to do so expect more...I still wanna dip my toes into animations/comics though! Maybe later :)

See you next week!! If all goes according to plan I'll have the stupid teeth prison cells we call "braces" removed from my mouth next week!


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