

 Another week goes byyyeee This is SUCH a good flans picture and I’m really proud of how I did the hands/pose (since I’m usually horrible about that??) ^_^ also please look at this comment under the original picture,,, send thoughts and prayers to them 🥺 Anyway. Major glow up from last week in all regards…This challenge might be ending pretty soon!!! Like…2 months soon!! It’s been so much fun, and while I am very excited to not have to put the pressure on myself to draw every week I am gonna miss doing this :( but I will prevail!!! Long live weekly tmbg!!! Thanks for reading as always ❤️


 Help this is so sloppy and rushed jehshjsvebe I procrastinated on this one a ton and eventually had to just. Do a very scribbly doodle…the shading’s all over the place :( But it’s ok!! Please take this drawing I did a few days ago as supplement. :D I tried a new shading tactic and it’s honestly really nice,,,,,.,also I went a little crazy over the new edison museum pictures hahejshebd That’s all I have for this week!! Thank you!!  


Hi! Hello! Hehehe! Flans my man… he’s so fun to draw !! And linnell is here too because umm empty space. Look at him. Little rapscallion Also guess what’s goin on this week…Australia shows!! I’m not from Australia so obviously I can’t see them but it’s fine…we have YouTube bootlegs!! Yay!! I’m so tired right now…thanks for reading ^_^


 I come in swinging like a HURRICANE (get it? Because umm there’s one heading for me rn hahahahahahhaha 🥲) This took me 3ish days!!! And it was worth it dude!!! I’ve always had a specific idea for an animation to this song so. Yeah ^_^ I wrote an interpretation of this song a while ago, so I’m gonna post it here…it ties into this a lot I swear near the end of Gigantic, John L seems (SEEMS) to have a lot of insecurities about his place in the band, and thinks that JF is a much better musician than him. Thankful For Your Service seems to be about having a roommate (JF) who eats your food for you and takes showers for you, ect doing stuff for you. The singer (JL) laments about how he wants to show his love and gratitude, but struggles to do so in the presence of so many friendly strangers (TMBG fans). He obviously respects his roommate a lot, trying to give him as much elbow room as possible. And the one line that stands out to me the most:  “Do you think that I think I'm somehow bet


 Guys. I literally forgot yesterday. NOOOO I want to deeply apologize for forgetting the most important day of the week…I’ll go get my ukulele…. No, but seriously the fact that I kept this up for like. 37 weeks without missing a week?? That’s awesome. And even if I did miss like one day that doesn’t mean this project is over…that would be kinda funny though lol Look. I’ll draw something really awesome for week 38 and post it on MONDAY. To make up for lost time…hopefully!!


 tmbgeeku. tmbgeeku. tmbgeeku. I’ll tell you when I saw this drawing (done by @fun-user on tumblr!! CHECK HER OUT) I literally fell out of my bed. TMBG Hatsune Miku. My 2 favorite things… I KNEW I had to draw her eventually. Yeah the pose is a little boring and I didn’t draw her hat…but it’s ok..!! I like how she came out. Silly Billy Other than that I don’t have much for this week…stay safe!! Thanks for reading!!


 aww. Sorry to disappoint lol I had lots of homework to do!!! I didn’t get to work on art…so sad. Maybe I’ll do something bigger next week!!! Take a lil Flansy bye bye…


 Sighhhh. Old man and camera. Best ship 5everr Eehee!! It’s linnell!! Here’s the reference  I really like this image, it’s just so nice. As soon as I saw the camera the model was holding I knew what I had to do One thing I like about being an artist is that you really can just draw whatever you want. As long as it’s not gross like nothing’s stopping you. Wanna draw some old man cute? Draw some old man cute. Go for it!! Don’t have much to say this week, it’s 9:22 and I wanna sleep!! So bye bye!!


 Moe Might Be Giants… You’re never gonna guess where I referenced the pose from. Never. I’m gonna show you anyway As soon as I saw this I knew I wanted to redraw it with the Johns…IT WOULD BE TOO FUNNY Sighhh I love making cringe art of old men in cute moe anime poses. It is my life source Obviously the pose isn’t perfect, I struggled a lot with flans (he is breaking his neck) but it’s cute!! Now that this is done I’m gonna go do my homework..I have soooo much to do I’m gonna die Thank yuo for read ing (this isn’t ship art)


 JUSTICE FOR FLANSBURGH Oh and there he is!! It’s John the Flansburgh but BETTER!! It was really fun redrawing this image. I love it so I’ve been drawing more john fanart over the past couple days just because I feel like I’ve kinda figured out how to draw them..for REAL this time. Linnell especially tbh some arts I’ve made (only of linnell because. um. The woke) Anyway, this is a scheduled post ^_^ writing this on fridayyy!! School will be in session by the time this goes up…ughybekeybe It’s fine. Summer has gotten particularly boring for me and I’ve basically done nothing but lay around all day. Hopefully school will give me that sweet sweet education, social interaction, exercise, and vitamin d I so desperately need. Oh and I’ll probably be taking pianos lessons too!! Heck yeah Thank for read


 she procrastinated again…sighhh Was gonna do something more fleshed out but I don’t think I have enough time…Flans :) I need to draw him more my john bias is too skewed towards linnell lol Tried to work on how I draw him, I’ve been drawing his nose wrong and his eyes too far apart I think. This brush is fun to use :) But yeah!! That’s all!! Thanks for reading teehee


 Yaya I got this done in advance :) Still working on getting the Johns’ likenesses down!! It’s not super easy but at least it’s fun. Take a Linnell I did not do an artfight attack this time…it’s the last week of it and I kinda drew every TMBG OC I wanted to draw!! So yeah just plain old boring vanilla John Linnell See you next weeeek


 I’m so happy this technically counts as TMBG fanart This is an artfight attack!!! Here’s the attack link: This guy is John Squared and he’s named/inspired by TMBG and he has a twin so like. Cmon he counts THIS IS MY CHALLENGE!! I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT!! GRAHH Anyway umm TMBG news..? Not a lot. We’re getting the ifc packages soon I’m excited for that Bye!! Ty for reading!! And happy week 30!!


 Holy crap it’s the EMOO Another artfight attack…artfight is carrying my through this challenge honestly!! Someone made a clone high oc out of John Linnell (and John Flansburgh too but only drew Linnell…not beating the John Bias allegations), which, if you’ve never heard of clone high it’s just a show about teenage clones of famous people being teenagers and having teenage drama I think I’ve never seen it. But EMO JOHN LINELLL The text in the background is referencing the ICONIC first paragraph of the MASTERPIECE that is the my immortal fanfiction. I’ll paste the text that was in the art here: “Hi my name is John Sydney Linnell and I have short fluffy chestnut hair (that's how I got my name) with floppy bangs and chocolate brown eyes like and a lot of people tell me I look like Jerma (AN: if u don't know who he is get da heck out of here!). I'm a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I'm also a clone, and I go to a school called Clone High


 More accordion girlies?? I mean I’m not complaining Another ArtFight attack!! Someone made they’re own versions of TMBG’s instruments as humans so you know I had to get on that ‼️‼️‼️what a cutie!! I drew a cool accordion this time. Awesome Heres the artfight attack… I’ve been getting so many attacks!! People are so nice :) I love all of them so much hehe I don’t really have anything else to say.,,sorrgy….smell you later (AND THANKS FOR READING)


 ART FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT YEAHHHH I’m so happy artfight’s hear more because it’s gonna make this challenge way more fun. I love drawing people’s TMBG OCS!!! Here’s the attack link if anyone wants to see it there! Come to think about it, I kinda forgot that this challenge was about drawing until the TMBG album comes out…I gotta talk about the progress on the album!! And um…well…Flans mentioned in a recent Interview that it should be coming out around…Christmas. CHRISTMAS. IM GONNA BE DOING THIS FOR 6 MORE MONTHS BRO 😭😭😭😭😭 I thought it would be out around like October!!! AUGUSYGjsudbehdhHSH It’s ok. I’ll be ok. Just gotta keep pushing…… Thank you for reading as always. Ur support is amazing


 Wake up babe new Audrey TMBG Ocs dropped!!! I thought it would be fun to humanize the instruments the John’s use!! Specifically the main squeeze accordion (left) and the fender telecaster guitar (right). They’re both girls :D  Before I drew this I doodled some proof of concepts for both of them, I think Squeeze’s has a lot more love put into it but I’m gonna have to do a full body of both of them soon lol (ESPECIALLY WITH ART FIGHT COMING IP!! AHHHHH) I put a lot of cute details into their designs, for example Fen’s glasses are supposed to look like Owl eyes, mimicking the owl pattern strap on Flans’ guitar!! Theres a bunch more and I’d love to see people point them out lol Since artfight is next week I’ll be able to draw a lot more TMBG fanart via people’s TMBG OCs on artfight!! If you’ve never heard of artfight it’s a big fat annual art trading game :) you can check it out here, it starts this July!! And don’t forget to check out my account. I’ll be putting th


 25 weeks of this crap?? Huh??? Guys I almost forgot 😢flan I haven’t drawn him in 2 weeks…usually I try to alternate between drawing him and Linnell but since last week was Linnell’s birthday I kinda had to do something then But guys!! July is coming up!! ART FIGHT!! I GET TO DRAW TMBG OC’S AND USE THEM FOR THIS CHALLENGE AND ART FIGHT 💃💃💃💃🕺🕺🕺🕺💃🕺💃 Anyway thank for read hope you like art :D


 Oh god she’s back again!! And she came SWINGING I made this for john linnell’s birthday tomorrow, is it silly?? Yes. But this is what I imagine in my head when I listen to this song…I love state songs soososososoosoo much it’s such a lovely album Anyway here’s the art I drew for the lil end part!! It’s pretty nice if I do say so myself teehee   Anyway. That’s all I have to say!! Have a good day and thanks for reading >v<

Week 23

 Yeah!!! Another week!! I’ve always liked this image so I wanted to redraw it, tried a more sketchy style :) Excited for John L’s birthday next week! I’ll probably do something special now that I’m like prepared and stuff :3 Uhh Ty for reading!!! These blog posts are getting shorter and shorter but that’s ok


 Aw man I love these uhh high quality drawings am I right guys Sleepy flans!! Does he go honk shoo honk shoo or snorrr mimimimi I’m on vacation right now so. I haven’t been able to focus on this,..,.,so take a lazy doodle for this week Umm what do I type here…thank you for like looking at this and stuff really cool of you!!!


 ANIMATION??? Another animation thingy!!! WITH LIP SYNCING?? SIGN ME UPP I’ve always liked this audio. DHMIS season 2 is comedy gold please watch it I had a lot of fun making this, I’m still figuring out toonsquid so I can’t make anything too good right now but one day. I’ll drop a masterpiece. uhh idk what to write for today tysm for reading this and or watching the video if you did either of those things!!! 🕺🕺🕺


 Just a cute lil John L doodle!! Yes I called the almost 65 year old man cute you wanna fight SO…TMBG FANS…ABOUT THAT WEEKEND… Man I’ve loved watching the new shows, it’s so cool seeing fresh new TMBG shows!! I started getting into them in July of last year, right after they STOPPED touring, so I wasn’t able to join the show hype :( I didn’t see any of them live (too far away) but the livestreams were there to watch. Shout out to the guy who went to all 3 shows and streamed them live, the dedication there is amazing!! Also this is completely unrelated but Flans replied to a question of mine on tumblr and I’m SPEECHLESS…BBL DRIZZY COULD HAVE PLAYED IN BETWEEN SETS. AUAYYAGAHUA It would have been the funniest thing ever…oh yeah the art!!! John photo from newsletter email, I should have done a bigger drawing for this I just forgot so I doodled this up lol We’re getting closer and closer to the new album every day!!!!! I can almost taste it!!! Ty for reading/checking out my art 🫶


FLANSBIRTH BURGHDAY YAY!!! I didn’t realize it was Flans’s birthday until it was already his birthday…I thought it was on the 9th!! Should have flipped the 9 upside down lol The posing for this was very inspired by the video art for the AMAZING “ime-chan wants to become a guitar hero” by ime44, it’s so cool  go check it out!! I also reused the pallets from my week 2 art of flans, it’s cool seeing how much I’ve improved drawing him!! I still like week 2’s art though (which can NOT be said for some of the earlier weeks’ art…YEESH) Thank you for reading!! And happy birthday John Flansburgh!!


 another redraw!! (Sorry for the weird font change I wrote this in my notes app) Welp I procrastinated HARD this week, I’m typing this at 9:30pm lol I’m tired I had a busy day so I really thought I wouldn’t get an actual drawing done but I crushed this in like an hour (in full not in real time, I took breaks)?? Which is probably why it looks SO BADDD OOOO BURN Yeah I’m not very proud of this I think John looks a lil cringe. I made him cringe though as  John Linnell is not inherently cringe not at all But like it’s ok I’m still learning how to draw him and just real people in general!! I don’t have to draw perfectly every time Also I’m excited for may. May is a big month for TMBG fans :D goo bai ^_^


 and why he green??? 😭😭😭😭 As you can see by the text this drawing also doubles as a challenge I’m doing with my buddy chum friend pal ohhhcrud on youtube dot com !!!!!!!! We’re gonna both draw drawings with the same color pallete Here’s the pallete if anyone’s curious It’s not the prettiest color pallets in the world but it was fun to try to make it work…besides it was randomly generated, I can’t blame crud lol I was gonna do normal lineart but I chickened out and just colored my sketch, I loved how it looked  I also did some smudgy painty stuff with the shading, it gives the drawing a painty feel!! Anyway tysm to anyone who’s readying this the fact that you’re so interested in this goofy challenge means a lot to me…I wonder how many weeks are left? A bunch, probably. Don’t think the album’s dropping until fall (so at best in like September 😅😅😅) byeeee


 r/im13andthisisdeep Eyyy it’s a youtubes!!!!! I really like this trend I think it’s really cute Got toonsquid a while ago, I’ve been learning it off and on for a few weeks but this is the first thing I’ve officially made with it All of the references (in order) - the Johns in the beginning are based off their Highschool yearbook photos - pink album cover - hotel detective music video - Ana Ng music video - Apollo 18 cover - Here Comes the ABCs - Here Comes the 123s - By the time you get this music video Thank you guys for everything, as always :3


 15 WEEKS!!! Aaaaaa This is a redraw of this very specific, kinda cursed image of John linnell. Something is kinda off about it… lol I’ve seen some people point out that he’s literally doing the :3 face so obviously I had to include that in the drawing Colors are simple, lil John in the top right corner is silly, uhhh what do I say uhhh errr bye!! Thank yuo for taking time out of your day to fix your eyeballs apon my art :D I’ve come a long way since I’ve started! Next weeks art should be really extra.,..,..doing something that’s pretty time consuming


 HI GUYS HI FAM HIII!!!!!!! Yes this drawing counts. That’s linnell Anyway NEW SONG AND SHORT INTERVIEW AND INSTANT FANCLUB!! I SPENT 99 DOLLAS ON IT WOEIEHEOWIWHEHSUS guys I’m so hype. I’m so hype guys sorry for no real art today. Anyway bye 


They might be Sanrio?? Ehh?? I need them to collab I love the concept of mashing up stereotypically cute things and not stereotypically cute things, like this is such a random hyper-niche thing but I’m really proud of it!! It’s Pompompurin (left) and Cinnamaroll as the Johns!! I don’t think I need to explain who’s who lol I’ve always loved Sanrio, I grew up with hello kitty and the characters have always been so nostalgic to me…I’ve always loved super cutesy things lol I’m happy with the colors/overall composition of the art, it just makes me really happy!! The katakana reads “Ti Emu Bi Ji,” or “TMBG” :D Bye bye for now, I’m really happy I drew something this week!! That’s 2 weeks of ACTUAL DRAWINGS!!!


 Hehehe!!!  Im actually pretty dang proud of this weeks art. Simple and fun :D This is obviously parodying the infamous “BORN TO DIE/WORLD IS !?#% shirt that I’ve seen popping up, I will NOT share the original image but instead the cleaner, more positive version I referenced. How cute! I might actually turn this into merchandise via Redbubble lol Anyway I mostly like how this turned out but I scuffed Flansburgh’s hand. Big sad womp womp Still waiting for instant Fanclub!! Still waiting for album!!! Still pumped!!!  smell you latre ^_^


 Fwuhhhh…..yeah man I’ve been working on other stuff!!! just a wee lil flans. Sorry for the lack of actual art I’ve just been preoccupied with my other projects!!! I have a big stinkin announcement coming up really really soon so be on the look out!! buh bye


 SOMEONE SAVE HIM OH MY GOAHS Ok for some context: someone (Luke Hennisch, I believe?) made a funny image of John Linnell entering a tarantula nebula and submitted it to tmbgareok. Here’s the post  I thought it was really funny because it’s just so random and silly..,,.,., why. Why would you make this. But then again…why not?? Anyway a couple days later someone (naturalkatsup, who I mainly know from her tally hall archive work lol) submitted the same image just. Smaller and in worse quality After I saw this I just knew I had to draw him in the tarantula nebula, I don’t have much to say about the art other than I couldn’t find the original background image and I’m really sad I forgot to give his glasses eyelashes :( LITERALLY WHERE IS THE INSTANT FANCLUB IM GOING INSANE IM AHAHAHAHA anyway tune in next week for more tomfoolery!! <3


 Yep I forgot again lol…I’ve had a busy day!! Cut me some slack!! There is nothing of value I could say about this drawing. It is just a sad lil linnell. Here’s a wip of what was going to be today’s art, but I never ended up finishing it!! Will get it done for next week once I have the time :) Uhh what do I say uhhh instant Fanclub. Where is it Flans. Where. I need to give you all my hard earned cash I actually had a lil financial scare today (thought I had to pay for something really big), but it ended up working out alright!! Will be able to afford the instant Fanclub :D Buh byeee


 FLANS NO GET OUT OF THERE NO NO N Welcome back to another week of me running out of ideas!! I didn’t have school today so I got to spend more time on this For context: TMBG (and by that I mean Flans) has been releasing vibe reports where he shares news to TMBG’s YouTube channel…except for some reason he puts fnaf ambience in the back?? I don’t know if he even knows it’s from fnaf, maybe he just searched “scary ambience” and the same ambience Scott Cawthon uses in five nights at Freddys came up. Anyway it’s funny I made a video for this drawing!!! Go check it out: Not much else to say…here’s to another month of doing this!!!! New album is IMMINENT!!