

 They’re little creatures now, sorry TMBG but they’re chiikawa characters!!! Chiikawa being a very cute manga/anime about little creatures working and going about their daily lives ,,,, someone else has already done this but they drew the Johns as their younger selves, so I drew them old here ^_^ I think they’re cuuuuute. Idk something so euphoric to me about drawing old old men as little guys. It’s funny! Thanks for checking out this week!! According to a recent Flans interview the album is basically done, they just need a title and a cover and a release date. So it’s not done. BUT IM HOLDING OUT!! APRIL OR MAY!!! PLEASE!!! They’re tourin rn sooo not this month I think :’D


 SHES BACK WOOO More TMBW-Tan!! It’s the wiki’s birthday…yay!! I’ve always drawn her in a very Moe classic anime-y style, but I wanted to try something more cartoony and simple. Then again I still think its pretty similar lol Not much else to say!! Another tmbg tour starts soon ^_^ maybe there will be banter to fuel my art…that’s something lol Seeeeee you next weeek!


Overlap of TMBG fans and Vocaloid fans is probably less than 1% but idc :P Anyway, I drew this a couple days ago and never posted them. So here! I have stuff 2 do tonight anyway so it’s either this or a scribble…again For the uninitiated: Matryoshka is a REALLY GOOD vocaloid song, and I thought it would be fun to draw the Johns as the two girls from the music video!! I think they should cover this song….it would be really insane and funny and out there. But JOHNS SINGING IN JAPANESE !! Flans would take Miku’s parts and Linnell would take Gumi’s!!! Are you still listening to m Anyway. By weeklytmbg nation I love youuuu


Oh my god it’s something of worth! Stay calm girls!! It’s a comic!! I wanna do more of these. So many opportunities… I started on the first page (first 4 panels) a couple days ago and finished the rest tonight!!! So that explains the dip in quality lol (it’s funny though idc) I really like drawing Linnell as half nose it’s cute!!! I should draw him like that more often…here’s some doodles of that from a few days ago :3 That’s all for 2day!! Hope all is well :D


 Why am I still doing this at this point…. *cries* Me want TMBG album!!! Me want song!!! Me want music!!! Idk if I’ll even survive…..cmonnnnn guys it’s February 2025….im going to bed now lol


MY BABY Hi!! Does anyone know what Gijinkas are? Er- just read this… Anyway, I was recently reminded of how much I love, and thought “what if this site was an adorable Moe anime girl?” And well…!! Here she is!! I so so so want to draw/do more stuff with her because I’m obsessed with her design >_< maybe it’s selfish of me, but I’d love to see her become a mascot/representation for the TMBG fanbase. Giggle Anyway!! Here’s some more stuff about here that I wrote in my notes app Hight: 16 Canaries Tall or 5”4 Birthday: February 25th Age: Ageless, but bodily she appears to be 14-16 years old  MBTI: ENFP Voiceclaim: Vocaloid4 Yuzuki Yukari (Jun) Other facts: She’s autistic coded!!! John Linnell once made a (thankfully playful/inoffensive) joke about how TMBG fans spending so much time contributing to the TMBW is “Kind of an Asperger’s thing” …Asperger’s being a now...


JANICE FlansGIRL💜 The glorious return of THE Audrey Weekly TMBG Color Palette ,,, Anywho. I drew girl Johns a few days ago…they’re so cute!! I really liked one of the sketches I did of girl flans (dubbed Janice by me lol) so I wanted to DIGITIZE it.  I’m a bit weirded about by the fact that we still know nothing about the new TMBG album, but whatevs. This could be the LAST WEEK!!! I HOPE!!! PLEASE!!!! have a good day, night, yadayada. :3


 Can you tell I may or may not be getting a little burnt out with this challenge 😭 It’s not that I hate drawing, or I don’t have enough time, I just procrastinate wayyyy to much ,,, I’m gonna try to make something big next week!!! Just to try. If I don’t follow through on this please make me explode /j Anyway it’s just a linnell tonight. Old guy! I like this drawing a lot actually :3 That’s all, I’m gonna get back to my work lol 🙏


 HIIIII writing this one on my puter because my internet on my phone sucks?? This one's just a redraw of that one image of the Johns going 2 jail,,, Ill put it here later. If I remember I like this one ok, the Johns don't look super spot on to themselves but eh I tried!! The line in the middle is the wrong color I just noticed that now NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ANYWAYY!!! I need that album rn im frothing at the mouth!!!!!!!!! Goodnight!!!!!!!


 Holy crap. Holyyy craaaap… They made him real?? I’m shocked. I never do traditional art!!! Well now I do…I got a sketchbook and some colored pencils with my Christmas money lol I’m not too happy with how linnell looks here but I can forgive myself. It’s new years!! Last post of 2024…I can’t believe I’ve done this challenge for a year straight :3 I can’t believe it’s taken TMBG A YEAR TO MAKE THIS ALBU- I’m kidding. I need it to be out like tomorrow though or else I’m gonna explode Anyway!! Thanks for the great year everyone!!! :3


 Merry Christmas!! I procrastinated!!! How come whenever I make lazy drawings for this challenge it’s always flans…this is horrid and sad!!! But I like this doodle. He’s sleeping here :3 Next week should be the 1 year anniversary!! It’s been so fun doing this challenge, and my art has improved so much…thanks for sticking around!!! :D


 TELE TELE TELEPHONE‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ HEYYYY GUYS NEW JOHN LINNELL COVER!!! HE SANG TELE TELE TELEPHONE BY WAZMO NARRIZ!!! ITS SO GOOOD GO LISTEN TO IT!!! GRAHH Anyway this is based off of that song…….silly old man on the phone what will he do!!! Who’s he calling anyway. I’m curious Really happy with how this one turned out…coloring and doing the lineart was really fun!! Anyway!! We’re creeping up on the 1st anniversary of this project/challenge!!!!! HOLY SMOKES…I really need them to drop that album. Because I will turn into the joker if we don’t get it soon ^_^ Thanks for joining me once again <3


 THE BIG FIFTY!!!!! I really. Really. REALLY can’t believe it’s been freaking FIFTY WEEKS. I’ve been doing this for so long…I’m losing my grip on reality guys 😀 AAAANYWAYYYY flans cake! This drawing has nothing to do with the 50 weeks milestone I just wanted to draw this image. So cute! But thanks for sticking around! Here’s to 50 more weeks!!-wait. No. Forget I said that wait no no NO NO-


 Hm. Oh no so sad :( letterbox lore…  Well my internet has been horrible today, so let’s hope this will actually go live!!! This is a redraw of this meme. I’ve loved it for so long,, Honestly December came so fast for me, it’s been wayyy over a year since my TMBG special interest has started and I’m so happy I got to spend all of 2024 being insane about them!! We still have some more weeks left to go…I really thought the album would come sooner but like nooooo!!!! It’s done, apparently, they just need to finish mixing and doing some arrangements. WHEN WILL THAT BE DONE?? I’m gonna eat my shirt Anyway everyone have a good day!!! I’m tired!!! TMBG album soon pretty please!!! :3!!!


 As I said. Me tired Whenever I draw flans I usually switch between drawing him with a little button nose and a normal thin nose…I think the button nose is cute!! I’m stillllll waiting for that album guys. I’m gonna go insane ! Anyway I’ll see you next week!! I’ll be even more insane by then (lie)


 Holy smokes!! He’s on the flipnote hatena (well. IbisPaint X made to emulate the look of flipnote hatena with custom colors) First digital art in like…2 weeeks!! This is massive. I wanted to draw linnell with the palette I used for week 43 again, cos it was soooo cute :3 I’ve been watching some clips from the England tour (which like just ended) and holy crap LINNELL’S GROWING HIS HAIR OUT!! Well kind of. For a while his hair was really short but it’s getting longer,,,,so much more fun to draw!! Here’s a comparison between his hair in April vs his hair from like a few days ago I thinks It’s FLUFFIER!!! I get to draw FLUFFY hair and I loooove drawing fluffy hair :D That wasn’t important. But I needed something to infodump about this week lol Anyway have a good one!!! Week 50 is soon,,, can you believe that? Week. 50. And then 2 weeks later,,,the anniversary!! This has all gone by so fast, and my art has improved so much!!! But I’ll save the sappy stuff for later haha


  I’m so tried bro 😭   Another traditional drawing!!! I also did this at school lol I have a whole essay I need to write I don’t have time to draw something on meee phone….. Flans looks nice here at least. I like how I drew him!! You can see my insane rant next to him though lol Ok. Essay time lol I need to stop procrastinating!!! Byeee


 A ! Wow…art that is traditional?? This is shocking. We’re truly revolting back to olden times… Anyway I drew this in history class lol, linnell is so fun to draw but I usually need to use a reference when drawing him, so me drawing this without a reference is HUGE!! I’m getting better at drawing the John’s every week :3 I took this picture at carline. The feet in the back are people walking by while I took the picture,,,I wanted to leave them in for authenticity!! That’s all for this week!!!!!! See you next Tuesday!!! Yayyyyy


Wait!! This sucks, doesn’t it? Yeah. I forgot. I don’t have a lot of motivation 2 draw,,,but! Ive been playing this little game called webfishing a lot lately!! I want to draw the Johns as little guys from that game. I was gonna do that this week but I waited too long to start,, We were going so well for like 5 weeks!! Now I ruined it…it’s ok, next week’s art will be awesome. I prommy Thanks for reading as always!  


 Guys I need this new album baddd Yellow linnell !! I love the color palette for this one. And he looks so whimsical ( ´ ▽ ` ) …ive noticed my TMBG art is kinda. Distanced from their music ig? Like I’m just drawing the Johns as guys. Not drawing anything inspired by their songs or albums or photo shoots…I’m just drawing them as people! I’m sure that’s me being lazy. I could put more effort in but alas I am very lazy (*´-`) I could type more but my eyelids r heavy!!! So sleepyy,, idk what’s going on with all the kaomoji’s in this post lol I have the Japanese language keyboard on my phone so I can just summon them at will like this *\(^o^)/* . I need to use them more. So cute goodnight annnnd thanks for reading!!


 Another week goes byyyeee This is SUCH a good flans picture and I’m really proud of how I did the hands/pose (since I’m usually horrible about that??) ^_^ also please look at this comment under the original picture,,, send thoughts and prayers to them 🥺 Anyway. Major glow up from last week in all regards…This challenge might be ending pretty soon!!! Like…2 months soon!! It’s been so much fun, and while I am very excited to not have to put the pressure on myself to draw every week I am gonna miss doing this :( but I will prevail!!! Long live weekly tmbg!!! Thanks for reading as always ❤️


 Help this is so sloppy and rushed jehshjsvebe I procrastinated on this one a ton and eventually had to just. Do a very scribbly doodle…the shading’s all over the place :( But it’s ok!! Please take this drawing I did a few days ago as supplement. :D I tried a new shading tactic and it’s honestly really nice,,,,,.,also I went a little crazy over the new edison museum pictures hahejshebd That’s all I have for this week!! Thank you!!  


Hi! Hello! Hehehe! Flans my man… he’s so fun to draw !! And linnell is here too because umm empty space. Look at him. Little rapscallion Also guess what’s goin on this week…Australia shows!! I’m not from Australia so obviously I can’t see them but it’s fine…we have YouTube bootlegs!! Yay!! I’m so tired right now…thanks for reading ^_^


 I come in swinging like a HURRICANE (get it? Because umm there’s one heading for me rn hahahahahahhaha 🥲) This took me 3ish days!!! And it was worth it dude!!! I’ve always had a specific idea for an animation to this song so. Yeah ^_^ I wrote an interpretation of this song a while ago, so I’m gonna post it here…it ties into this a lot I swear near the end of Gigantic, John L seems (SEEMS) to have a lot of insecurities about his place in the band, and thinks that JF is a much better musician than him. Thankful For Your Service seems to be about having a roommate (JF) who eats your food for you and takes showers for you, ect doing stuff for you. The singer (JL) laments about how he wants to show his love and gratitude, but struggles to do so in the presence of so many friendly strangers (TMBG fans). He obviously respects his roommate a lot, trying to give him as much elbow room as possible. And the one line that stands out to me the most:  “Do you think that I think I'm someho...


 Guys. I literally forgot yesterday. NOOOO I want to deeply apologize for forgetting the most important day of the week…I’ll go get my ukulele…. No, but seriously the fact that I kept this up for like. 37 weeks without missing a week?? That’s awesome. And even if I did miss like one day that doesn’t mean this project is over…that would be kinda funny though lol Look. I’ll draw something really awesome for week 38 and post it on MONDAY. To make up for lost time…hopefully!!


 tmbgeeku. tmbgeeku. tmbgeeku. I’ll tell you when I saw this drawing (done by @fun-user on tumblr!! CHECK HER OUT) I literally fell out of my bed. TMBG Hatsune Miku. My 2 favorite things… I KNEW I had to draw her eventually. Yeah the pose is a little boring and I didn’t draw her hat…but it’s ok..!! I like how she came out. Silly Billy Other than that I don’t have much for this week…stay safe!! Thanks for reading!!


 aww. Sorry to disappoint lol I had lots of homework to do!!! I didn’t get to work on art…so sad. Maybe I’ll do something bigger next week!!! Take a lil Flansy bye bye…


 Sighhhh. Old man and camera. Best ship 5everr Eehee!! It’s linnell!! Here’s the reference  I really like this image, it’s just so nice. As soon as I saw the camera the model was holding I knew what I had to do One thing I like about being an artist is that you really can just draw whatever you want. As long as it’s not gross like nothing’s stopping you. Wanna draw some old man cute? Draw some old man cute. Go for it!! Don’t have much to say this week, it’s 9:22 and I wanna sleep!! So bye bye!!


 Moe Might Be Giants… You’re never gonna guess where I referenced the pose from. Never. I’m gonna show you anyway As soon as I saw this I knew I wanted to redraw it with the Johns…IT WOULD BE TOO FUNNY Sighhh I love making cringe art of old men in cute moe anime poses. It is my life source Obviously the pose isn’t perfect, I struggled a lot with flans (he is breaking his neck) but it’s cute!! Now that this is done I’m gonna go do my homework..I have soooo much to do I’m gonna die Thank yuo for read ing (this isn’t ship art)


 JUSTICE FOR FLANSBURGH Oh and there he is!! It’s John the Flansburgh but BETTER!! It was really fun redrawing this image. I love it so I’ve been drawing more john fanart over the past couple days just because I feel like I’ve kinda figured out how to draw them..for REAL this time. Linnell especially tbh some arts I’ve made (only of linnell because. um. The woke) Anyway, this is a scheduled post ^_^ writing this on fridayyy!! School will be in session by the time this goes up…ughybekeybe It’s fine. Summer has gotten particularly boring for me and I’ve basically done nothing but lay around all day. Hopefully school will give me that sweet sweet education, social interaction, exercise, and vitamin d I so desperately need. Oh and I’ll probably be taking pianos lessons too!! Heck yeah Thank for read


 she procrastinated again…sighhh Was gonna do something more fleshed out but I don’t think I have enough time…Flans :) I need to draw him more my john bias is too skewed towards linnell lol Tried to work on how I draw him, I’ve been drawing his nose wrong and his eyes too far apart I think. This brush is fun to use :) But yeah!! That’s all!! Thanks for reading teehee


 Yaya I got this done in advance :) Still working on getting the Johns’ likenesses down!! It’s not super easy but at least it’s fun. Take a Linnell I did not do an artfight attack this time…it’s the last week of it and I kinda drew every TMBG OC I wanted to draw!! So yeah just plain old boring vanilla John Linnell See you next weeeek


 I’m so happy this technically counts as TMBG fanart This is an artfight attack!!! Here’s the attack link: This guy is John Squared and he’s named/inspired by TMBG and he has a twin so like. Cmon he counts THIS IS MY CHALLENGE!! I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT!! GRAHH Anyway umm TMBG news..? Not a lot. We’re getting the ifc packages soon I’m excited for that Bye!! Ty for reading!! And happy week 30!!


 Holy crap it’s the EMOO Another artfight attack…artfight is carrying my through this challenge honestly!! Someone made a clone high oc out of John Linnell (and John Flansburgh too but only drew Linnell…not beating the John Bias allegations), which, if you’ve never heard of clone high it’s just a show about teenage clones of famous people being teenagers and having teenage drama I think I’ve never seen it. But EMO JOHN LINELLL The text in the background is referencing the ICONIC first paragraph of the MASTERPIECE that is the my immortal fanfiction. I’ll paste the text that was in the art here: “Hi my name is John Sydney Linnell and I have short fluffy chestnut hair (that's how I got my name) with floppy bangs and chocolate brown eyes like and a lot of people tell me I look like Jerma (AN: if u don't know who he is get da heck out of here!). I'm a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I'm also a clone, and I go to a school called Clone High...